INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT has been providing support for transport projects for 30 years, ranging from corridor studies and regional economic studies to spatial and environmental impact analyses as well as procedural support.

We have the task of coordinating the demands of many stakeholders on spatial development: For example, for living and working, infrastructures or the economic development. Good transport routes are indispensable, especially for internationally interconnected societies. It is important to me that this does not come at the expense of the environment or quality of life. And this applies across borders.

Martin Reents

office manager Potsdam

Our services

Examination of transport hubs and networks

Transport concepts

Investigation of regional planning and environmental interests

Sound examinations

Process and project management

Overall coordination of complex approval procedures

Cross-border or international coordination

Selected projects

EU-projects CoRCAP and Scandria ® 2 Act,

that focus on the impact of transnational transport corridors on regional development, logistics and the use of environmentally friendly modes of transport.

EU-project NSB CoRe – North Sea-Baltic Connector of Regions,

in which solutions for cross-border traffic and interoperability are being developed along the core network corridor from Helsinki via Warsaw to Berlin.

EU-project Catch_MR – Cooperative Approaches to Transport Challenges in Metropolitan Regions,

which has enabled the capital regions of eight European countries to learn from each other about sustainable settlement and transport development and to introduce best practices at home.

regional planning procedure for the new line Dresden-Prague

with a spatial compatibility analysis and the preparation of the spatial planning documents.

„Round Table traffic“ of the Oder-Partnership,

in the framework of which the states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony are reaching agreement with their partners in western Poland on the development of cross-border rail transport.