IU trip 2024 to Mainz customs port
About us
INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT stands for diverse in-depth technical expertise and interdisciplinary competence aimed at achieving integrated and sustainable solutions in the field of tension between the environment, technology and people, planning and political processes, infrastructure and the environment. In doing so, we bring together specialist knowledge and practical relevance, working creatively, process-oriented and with great joy – for over thirty years.
Successful for over 35 years

Office Darmstadt
Julius-Reiber-Straße 17
D-64293 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (0) 61 51 / 81 30-0
E-mail: mail@iu-info.de
Office Potsdam
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 9
D-14469 Potsdam
phone: +49 (0) 3 31 / 5 05 81-00
Branch Tirana
Rruga „Brigada VIII “
Pallati 6 / 2, Kati IV
Tirana 1000, Albania