The risks caused by floods are increasing. We cannot prevent a flood, but we can reduce the risks: through precaution, adapted use, information and protective measures. Dealing with the risks from floods and heavy rainfall requires an interdisciplinary and strategic approach. INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT supports risk management with concepts and strategies as well as with the organization of processes for coordination and implementation.
Since the 1990s, we have been working for the federal and state authorities, for regions and cities, and at the international level in flood risk management and, for some years now, also in heavy rainfall risk management.
Reducing the risks of flooding and heavy rainfall also means making the synergies of water management, spatial planning and other disciplines effective. Hardly any other field of activity shows this as clearly as this one: Technical and spatial planning must be interlinked. Under the expected climate changes, this becomes more important than ever.
Jan Gauweiler
Project leader
Our services
• Implementation strategies for EU directives (e.g. floods, water ecology) on national or state level
• Strategies for water-sensitive urban development or heavy rainfall risk management
• Planning aids for municipal heavy rainfall risk management
• Planning aids for climate change adaptation in municipalities, for the trades, for urban planning or for other stakeholders
• Design of planning and administrative processes, e.g. for the consideration of climate change in municipalities or counties
• Process design for flood and heavy rain risk management or for water-sensitive urban development in states and municipalities
• Risk analyses and assessments for flood risks
• Affectedness and vulnerability analyses for climate change impacts
• Heavy rainfall analyses and risk assessment
• Hazard, risk, vulnerability maps
• GIS-based tools for prioritization of measures for ecological waterway development
• Digital tool for determining progress towards flood risk management targets for uniform use in German river areas
• Internet-based toolbox to support municipalities in heavy rainfall risk management
• Toolbox for adaptation to the consequences of climate change in water management
• Transboundary coordination of flood risk management planning
• European cooperation projects on climate change adaptation, flood risk management in international river areas
• Transboundary flood risk management forum
• Development of International Cooperation in Flood Risk Management in the Drin River Basin (Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia)
• Support of international river area commissions, e.g. Danube, Oder and Rhine
• Preparation of flood risk management plans for small and large river areas
• Flood risk management plans for the Rhine, Neckar, Oder, and numerous smaller drainage basins
• International flood risk management planning e.g. in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo
• Guidance for the preparation of flood risk management plans for the German river areas
• Online stakeholder surveys to activate and involve stakeholders in climate change projects
• Events of all kinds in various present and online formats
• Seminars and trainings in (international) capacity building
• Preparation of environmental reports
• Support of specialized authorities in the planning and implementation of strategic environmental assessment processes
• Participation events (workshops, expert meetings, working groups, seminars, conferences)
• Development and implementation of communication concepts for risk prevention (floods, climate change, heavy rainfall)
Selected projects
Joint Flood Risk Management Plan for the Rhine River Basin Community.
The plan brings together the 26 individual plans into one overall plan and thus ensures better coordination and management across borders.
Implementation of the EU Flood Risk Management Directive in the State of Baden-Württemberg
Overall conception and coordination with development of various flood risk management plans and state-wide quality management.
EU-Project RAINMAN – Integrated Heavy Rainfall Risk Management
Together with project partners from 6 countries, methods and measures for the reduction of heavy rain risks were developed and a joint information platform was created.
Strategy for heavy rainfall risk management of the federal-state working group LAWA,
which coordinates the activities of the federal and state governments in this area and sets common goals.
Flood Risk Assessment for the Drin River Basin
In cooperation with the responsible institutions in Northern Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro.
Several flood risk management plans
for individual catchment areas in Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, North Rhine-Westphalia.