IU has been commissioned by the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy and Mobility (MKUEM) to develop a “Rhineland-Palatinate Future Water Plan” in a broad-based participation process with all relevant stakeholders in the state. The kick-off event took place in Ingelheim on 22.09.2023, with more than 170 participants. INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT was entrusted with the conception, planning and implementation of the large conference on behalf of the Ministry. IU partner Dr. Peter Heiland moderated the conference, which included a panel discussion with the State Secretary in the Ministry of Climate Protection, Dr. Erwin Manz.
The Future Water Plan is to define goals and measures for the protection of water and for dealing with extreme weather events in Rhineland-Palatinate in order to adapt to the effects of climate change. The first draft was prepared by the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy and Mobility (MKUEM) with the involvement of all relevant departments. It is now being elaborated in an interdisciplinary discussion process with stakeholders active in the field of water management, water users and other interest groups. IU will design, implement and evaluate this extensive participation process, which includes written contributions and statements as well as topic-specific participation workshops, with the ministry.
As part of the kick-off event on 22 September 2013, Climate Protection Minister Katrin Eder presented the draft of the Rhineland-Palatinate Future Water Plan. Expectations and the need for action were discussed with the plenum as part of a panel discussion. The afternoon was characterised by discussions in various workshops, in which the objectives, need for action and measures for the five defined fields of action were discussed:
- Groundwater protection and water supply,
- Protection and management of surface waters,
- Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment & urban sanitation,
- Flood and heavy rainfall protection and
- Low water management.

INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT Professor Böhm und Partner will now support and accompany the Ministry for Climate, Environment, Energy and Mobility in the further participation process and the development of the Water Plan for the Future.
You can read the MKUEM press release here: https://mkuem.rlp.de/service/pressemitteilungen/detail/katrin-eder-der-umgang-mit-wasserknappheit-wird-eine-der-groessten-herausforderungen-der-zukunftsplan-wasser-zeigt-moegliche-loesungen