Overcoming climate change and its consequences is one of the greatest global challenges. How do we manage to make the cities and regions of the future livable and sustainable? How can we deal with climate change while strengthening local economies? How can infrastructures be adapted to increasing extreme weather events?

These are just a few of the questions we address. We advise and support municipal and regional authorities in climate protection and adaptation to climate change: transferring statements from climate projections to urban areas, bringing actors together, developing climate protection and adaptation measures, and anchoring these concretely in local planning and policy.

Climate adaptation is a cross-sectional task that poses challenges for municipalities and regions, but also opens up exciting opportunities. It is particularly important to get a wide range of actors on board and motivate them to work together: To ensure that we continue to make our cities and regions livable and healthy in the decades to come. Creative ideas from our neighboring countries can help, for example in dealing with heat in southern cities.

Dr.-Ing. Sandra Sieber

project leader

Selected projects

Verknüpfung von erforderlichen Maßnahmen mit Instrumenten

• Checklists and instructions for tendering and awarding climate analyses in municipalities
• Integration of climate change adaptation into urban land use planning and urban development planning
• Integration of climate change adaptation and heavy rainfall prevention measures into the processes of municipal administration and planning

Beratung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen

• Advice for commercial companies on climate change adaptation
• Development of risk management plans for infrastructure operators and companies in risk areas
• Climate change adaptation work aid for craft enterprises/chamber of handicrafts

Entwicklung lokaler und regionaler Strategien zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel

• Climate change adaptation strategies and concepts for cities and municipalities, counties and at regional level
• Climate change adaptation in the context of urban development district concepts and energy renovation concepts

Analyse und Beratung zu regionalen Klimafolgen

• Evaluation of regional climate projections
• Low water and drought management strategies
• Climate analyses and climate change impact assessment
• Climate analyses for spatial planning (state development plan, regional plan, urban land use plan)

Maßnahmenplanung und Prioritätensetzung

• Development of action plans for adaptation to the consequences of climate change in municipalities
• Planning of measures for water-sensitive urban development and for neighbourhood concepts
• Definition of priorities in the planning of measures in a cooperative approach with stakeholder participation processes

Selected projects

Urban climate analysis of Offenbach with integrated plan reference map

Analysis of the impacts and multiple stresses of urban quarters due to heat and heavy rainfall and development of synergetic measures

Adapting commercial buildings and outdoor spaces to climate change

Information and decision-making aids for a foresighted (re)design of commercial spaces to enable resilient and healthy production and working conditions

GIZ project “Adaptation to Climate Change in the Western Balkans”,

which supports the cities of Tirana, Podgorica and Belgrade in climate change adaptation and implementation in urban planning processes.

KLIMPRAX – Climate Change in Practice

Development of action recommendations for the consideration of future climate aspects in municipal planning procedures.

Climate change adaptation concept for the city of Mannheim,

which was developed in a wide-ranging participatory process with municipal stakeholders.

KLARO “Climate Robust Planning and Construction”,

which helps the building trade to prepare for the requirements of climate change.